Monday, 16 July 2007

Monday night 9th July at Village Focus Group Meeting

Margaret had invited me to this meeting which was to finalise details for the community festival being organised for the 11th and 14th of July.
I introduced myself and passed round the books of photographs from the first 2 exhibitions plus my business card. I met Davy McDonald, Gwen Kilpatrick, Noreen White, Pauline Magill and Anne Magill. They all gave me their phone numbers. i arranged to see them at the Empire at 11 on the 11th morning.

Anne is going to start writing up a list of groups in the area for me to photograph.

I also met Glen from GVRT and he is going to help me with the various sports groups he ls with.

I also met Keith ? and went round the corner to discuss which street I might photograph. One of them has his brother living in it and he may be able to explain to the other residents what I intend to do.

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